4" Cheeks, 5 1/2" Mouth
The unique design of this bit offers direct control similar to a ring snaffle, while offering the additional control of curb pressure. It can serve as a training snaffle or as a transition bit. The mouthpiece stimulates saliva and is slightly more aggressive than a smooth snaffle.
The mouthpiece is made of sweet iron which will naturally rust into a light patina. The rust creates a sweet taste for the horse and makes the bit more acceptable and increases salivation for a supple mouth. Bit comes with the Sweet Six Curb Chain designed specifically to enhance the feel of the Sharon Camarillo Sweet Six bits. When the curb chain engages this design diffuses curb pressure more evenly, enhancing the feel of the Sweet Six design. The curb chain is the secret weapon that was only previously available to Sharon Camarillo Clinic participants.